Monday, April 6, 2009

Gardening at the German Farm

Pheeew, progress is a lot slower than expected due to the current "labor shortage". By that I am of course referring to me single-handedly turning the dirt in the garden while entertaining the children. I have spent the past four weekends turning dirt and have about a third done. And it is really not a very big area.

Also, in the past two weeks the farm has completely exploded into green. The fields are unrecognizable from a fortnight ago. And the weather has been fantastic, in the mid 70s I would estimate. While we had some visitors stopping by I looked up and we had some amazing cirrocumulus clouds puffed into the sky.

All right, better get back to turning dirt ... :)

Planting at the Bell House...

We got all of the peppers put in at the Bell House on Sunday. Next will be the squash, just as soon as the seeds sprout.

The girls helping me in the garden found a few surprises in the mulch. Mostly bugs and spiders.

We are still looking for starters for some blackberries. I sure am looking forward to some blackberry jam this fall.

Next week we will finish with the last of the beds we need to set in the garden. Then it's just setting the herbs, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and potatoes.

I found that trying to bake anything (like cinnamon bread, or banana bread) in the woodburning stove while you are working in the garden is impossible. You cannot maintain the fire, check the baking and turning, and work in the dirt at the same time. NOW I understand why there was baking done early in the morning before any other chores were done.

Thanks to Miss Olga, the old rag rug has been taken apart so that I can re-use the strips to finish my rag rug on the frame now. Hopefully, I can get that finished before the end of this month.